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People are the bedrock of Edwards Engineering. Our flexible and experienced team is key to our ability to support customers during the short periods of shutdown required to upgrade capability and capacity.

The problem 

Norbord’s Cowie site in central Scotland produces both MDF and particleboard. The processes are intensive, take a lot of energy and can be tough on equipment. Proactively maintaining the plant and upgrading as technology improves is essential to ensuring that availability is high and throughput is maximised.

The solution 

For safety and commercial reasons, upgrades and maintenance are performed with the full plant isolated and not producing. The commercial implications of over-running the time planned for outages are significant. Production cannot be recovered if time is lost.

The outcome 

Edwards works closely with Norbord to carefully plan the required installation and its execution, to ensure the safety of all employees and that the time and costs of these shutdowns hit tight targets.


Contact us to find out more about how we can help you.