While meeting or exceeding the standards required to comply with legislation, we continuously seek improvement across our business. The involvement of Edwards’ employees in our ongoing success is underpinned by clear communication.
Maintaining the health and safety of our employees, and those of all our partners, is paramount in everything Edwards Engineering undertakes. We analyse the risks and develop safe working methods for every project, every time. We will not compromise safety for commercial gain and we empower our employees to take responsibility and ownership of every situation from a health and safety perspective.
Edwards Engineering ensures compliance with and sound management of current health and safety legislation through, as a minimum, maintenance of our Safe Contractor and Gold Membership ConstructionLine accreditations.
Edwards Engineering is committed to minimising our impact on the world around us. We pursue efficiency in the delivery of all of our projects as the route to minimising waste from our operations. We actively separate our waste and promote recycling both internally and with our partners. We will consistently pursue opportunities to optimise our environmental footprint.
The high quality of the outcomes Edwards Engineering delivers for our customers is central both to our own and to our customers' future success.
The ISO 9001 standard provides a framework of globally recognised principles of quality management. We recognise and continually review risks and opportunities that affect the company and ensure that senior management take responsibility for the system and lead from the top. We have implemented a quality management system which covers all areas of the business following the seven principles of quality management as follows:
We involve our people across the board, apply structured processes to management and a factual approach to decision making. In addition, Edwards pursues mutually beneficial supplier relationships. Edwards Engineering is committed to a programme of continual review, update and improvement of the Quality Management System we operate in accordance with BS EN ISO 9001:2015.
Edwards also holds BS EN 1090 accreditation up to Execution Class 3 achieved through our strict Factory Production Control allowing us to design, fabricate and install CE marked structural metalwork in steel and aluminium.